Lights, Camera, Action, we’re going to the movies! Because of our generous donors and supports The CALL in Crawford & Sebastian was able to rent a screen at Malco Theaters for our families. We were able to serve over 80 families with a ticket, coke and popcorn.Group Photo

We were inspired by the new movie Instant Family, starring Mark Wahlberg. It’s about a couple who decides to adopt and during the process, they end up with 3 kids and the hilarity ensues. The movie, while light hearted, touched on very real issues and handled the ups and downs of adopting fairly accurately. Our families were very impressed with the truthful representation of this adoptive family, the kids and the process. There was not a dry eye in the house so I would recommend tissues!

Again, we’d like to thank our donors for providing the funds for us to do this event. Our families loved it and are looking forward to doing something like this again.Instant Family