Jeremy and Brooke Hargis have been foster parents in Union County for over 7 years. “We started fostering after reading an article in the paper” says Brooke Hargis. She and Jeremy decided to make a difference in the lives of children that are in so much need of stability, love and care. “Before that, we never thought about fostering” explains Brooke, it was that article that started a spark in their hearts.

In their words, they explain that fostering has been so rewarding and has changed their family completely. Their biological daughter has been welcoming these kids with a heart full of love too. Jeremy and Brooke have been loving foster parents for hundreds of kids, from placements that have lasted a day, many days, weeks, months and even some for over a year.

This family has been blessed with adoption as well. Three years ago, they adopted two beautiful girls, then a few months back they adopted another beautiful girl and just this morning, they have adopted their fourth one; a very handsome little boy that completes their family. Now this family of 7 has kids running around full of energy, curiosity and joy. Their home is full, but their hearts are fuller.

“I would tell anybody that is thinking about fostering that fostering can be challenging but yet so rewarding. Kids just want to feel loved and safe.” says Brooke.

Jeremy and Brooke are full of knowledge and they are always willing to help other foster parents that are just starting this journey. Although they are closing their home today, they will continue to help others through this journey and they will be helping The Call of Union County with their broad knowledge and experience. Truly Union County is blessed to have them.