The CALL Support Center
4020 Woodland Heights
Little Rock, 72022
Phone: 501-823-0607
Open: Monday-Thursday 8:30am - 3:00pm. Or by appointment for children in foster and adoptive care.
The CALL Mall at Central Church of Christ
823 W. 6th St, LR.
Phone: 501-352-2441
Coordinator: Tammy Beck
Open: By appointment only
The CALL Mall at City Center
315 N. Shackleford Road, Little Rock
Phone: 501-396-3355
Open: Thursday 9am – 3pm
The CALL Mall at Victory Baptist Church
10000 Brockington Rd. Sherwood, AR 72120
Coordinator: Carolyn Hanks at
Phone: 501-425- 7194 or Joanna Bearden at 501– 626-9337
Open: 1st & 3rd Saturday—10:00a.m.—12:00 p.m. and every Friday from 10:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m. or by appointment
*Please sort donations by gender and size and clearly label the outside of the bag/container.