It's National Foster Care Awareness Month, and we want to celebrate our families! First up is the Emmerling Family!

Bryan and Stephanie opened their home in 2013 and have been blown away by how God has used fostering within their family. In Stephanie's own words,

"Through our journey of fostering and adopting, God has blessed my family with 2 beautiful, smart, fun loving little girls. These girls have taught us how to love fiercely, forgive whole heartedly, and how to truly enjoy each and every day that God has blessed us with. Our family dynamics have changed so much since and each member of our family, extended as well, has welcomed the girls with open hearts and open arms. Its changed us all for the better." 

Foster homes, like the Emmerlings, can change the course of a child's life. While we will never understand the full impact of a foster family, we want to celebrate that incredible impact anyway! Thank you Bryan and Stephanie for answering the CALL to open your home and for sharing your story!